
How to Grow Spiritually eBook

Grow spiritually through accessing your spiritual gifts and returning to a wiser way of living.  In this 80 page e-Book, you will receive: 

  • Ways to spiritually grow through awareness methods and intuition that expand your spiritual capacities.
  • The spiritual practices that accelerate soul growth without bypassing difficulty.
  • The steps you need to reclaim your spiritual gifts and use them to access your soul. 

Upon purchase, your e-Book will be delivered you to you via email.

About the Authors –

We are Annie Browning, MDiv and Annmarie Early, Ph.D.

We are Annie and Annmarie and we’ve spent years developing a step-by-step process to accelerate your Soul Growth. Our courses and retreats provide the key steps for growing spiritually to receive spiritual guidance that makes a difference in your day-to-day life. We are trained psychotherapists and Seminary graduates and we come from the Christian mystic tradition. Our process is for anyone who feels called to an alive spirituality that makes a difference in ordinary life and creates positive change in the world. Our community is filled with committed mystical helpers, healers, and seekers of all kinds. We are a community ready to support you to spiritually grow!