The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

April 7 - Try out Breathwork

Apr 07, 2024

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

Tomorrow’s eclipse is a critical moment for revealing cosmic truth in your life. Cosmic (or singular, universal) truth is important because it invites you to suddenly and clearly perceive beyond your illusions and expand beyond your limiting stories, small sense of self, finite perception of time, and one-dimensional space. The energy of this week’s eclipse can create an alive container of energy to sharpen and clarify your truth.

This week I’m hosting a free Spiritual Transcendence Teaching and Expanded Experience on April 11th to experience firsthand an expanded state of spiritual transcendence that can reveal cosmic truth –a sharpened clarity, renewed purpose, and broader perspective. In the live call, you’ll learn a breathwork practice and focusing technique to support you in receiving a sharp truth that cuts through illusion.

The spiritual energy and soulful process are most powerful when you join live. Until Thursday!

With love, Annie