About Us



Hi! We are Annie & Annmarie

We are co-founders of Common Awakening and we are glad you are here. We are psychotherapists who use a psycho-spiritual lens in our Embodied Transcendence™ work. Together we bring you a pathway for soulful growth while illumining the unconsious. Read more about who we are and how you can find your place at Common Awakening.


Our Story

We awakened dramatically. 6 red-tailed hawks visited Annie. 3 sequential falls jolted Annmarie. Our worlds of illusion unraveled quickly, and our mystical awareness opened. Annie began to see spiritually. Annmarie explored the world of energy and expanded perception. Annie’s pathway led her into a descent beyond a breathy, ethereal spirituality. Annmarie’s pathway led her to expand beyond her familiar psychological framework. Both of us allowed our expanded perception to lead us, and we said a larger ‘yes’ to soul growth without bypass. We had no idea of the undoing we were saying ‘yes’ to. Annmarie left behind the comfortable landscape of her professional life. Annie let go of the treasured connections of her personal life, including losing her son.  We were living between worlds and our life’s work became about inviting others to remember and reclaim their spiritual awareness. 

Our paths synchronously crossed in 2017 and we received an immediate hit that we were meant to work together.  We've spent the last 8 years developing a clear process for psycho-spiritual growth—one that is authentic, makes a noticeable difference in the day-to-day, uses the mystical, 2nd sense guidance that is available to each one of us, and follows natural healing energies that move us into the very places we avoid to access true freedom and empowerment.

We've developed our spiritual method to guide you step-by-step to grow spiritually.

Here’s a bit more about who we are…

About Annmarie

Annmarie Early, Ph.D.

It came as a surprise. Suddenly, I was outside of myself and also deeply connected. I began to silently weep. I felt held in love and I knew I was within something profoundly meaningful even though I didn't understand what it was. Over time I came to realize that I had made contact with the essence of my being, my reason for living.  I had finally come home. 

I have always yearned for something more. I chose my profession of psychotherapy as a way to join the healer's path and expand beyond the limitations of life, to access something more than symptom reduction and transcend circumstances to access a wiser way of living. I was fascinated by the question, "What creates change?" —the kind of change that can transform how we see, how we live, and what we bring to the world. I received a Ph.D. in Marital and Family therapy, received specialized training in trauma, embodied, experiential treatment approaches, made attachment theory my specialty, and was a supervisor and trainer in the leading couples therapy model for many years as well as serving as a Professor of Counseling for 15 years teaching, training, and supervising. 

For all of that training and expertise, what happened in my first energy session set me on a course to find the "something more" I had always been looking for.

If I tell the story honestly it goes something like this. As a skeptic who didn't think very highly of energy work, I had sought out an energy session following three painful falls. I laid down quite stiffly on the massage table and waited feeling awkward and out of place. Within a matter of minutes, I expanded beyond my body and I felt an openness that was both within me and around me.  I met beings that I didn't even know were there and felt a love that pervaded every cell of my being. I experienced energy moving stuckness out of my body in ways that I could directly track though my mind didn't quite know how—stuckness that years of psychotherapy hadn't touched, released. I felt myself being moved into a new position beyond my mind and I felt at rest within love.

A part of me connected to something expansive and alive and I knew I would never be the same. I set off on a journey of discovery that took me deep into the world of energy by training for 3 years as a practitioner in Integrative Energetic Medicine, up high into the Andes mountains of Peru to learn various pathways to expansion, deep into my unconscious to face the stuckness that held me back, and to the edge of my own ego as I said goodbye to treasured roles that had defined me. 

What I came to realize is that I hadn't allowed a deep knowing that I'd always carried within me to connect to my outer life. There was a voice that had spoken clearly at key junctures on my journey and an intuitive knowing that had directly guided me, but I had no idea where it fit, even with all of my training as a healer, as a psychotherapist. 

I set out to learn all that I could about the world of energy and to create a new matrix for how to access and heal in our world today. 

 It wasn't easy path to follow. I recognized the risk I was taking to say Yes. I had earned a reputation as an expert in my profession and it didn’t always land well when people heard me talk about energy or to call myself a practitioner who worked with expanded states— especially in the faith contexts I lived and worked within. 

I let go and followed the deeper, wiser expanded awareness that I came to know as intuitive guidance that was leading me.

I met Annie in 2017 through a synchronous connection and we instantly knew we would work together. I hopped on a plane to Vail not long after meeting and we sat together for a weekend, spending hours at a round wooden table with the snow lightly falling outside, creating an outline for our first book and listening to the emerging vision for Common Awakening. We knew we were called to help people just like you to expanded awareness—to live Embodied Transcendence™ for there is no other way. Each one of us are called to return home to the truth of what we really are. Just like me lying on that massage table all of those years ago. It's time to expand your awareness and to access the power within so that you can live the life you were meant to live, today. Our very existence requires us to come home. 

About Annie

Annie Browning, MSW, MDiv 

There was a yearning within me that felt just out of grasp. I thought it was about changing my circumstances, so I changed my job, changed my house, even changed my hair. The longing continued. I was considering yet another change when 6 red-tailed hawks showed up in a tree behind our urban home and stayed for 10 days. Shrieking loudly and leaving many "gifts" of entrails on our back deck, I knew this was not a coincidence. They were the answer I was looking for, even though I had no idea what their visit meant. 

My religious upbringing didn't look kindly on the mystical communication born of the natural world. Yet, my feet compelled me to go outside each day for 10 days and stand beneath their perch, staring up at them. All I could squeak out in the midst of their ancient and haunting shrieks was, "I'm listening." Each time I would utter the words, tears poured down my cheeks.  

Shortly afterward, the veil  into thin space fell in my experience and my 2nd sense intuition blossomed open. I railed against what my mind stated could not be true and my training as a psychotherapist negated. Still the inner drumbeat persisted to return home within and step into what I knew to be my primary way of knowing, understanding and connecting with the world, both seen and unseen. 

A painful pathway of undoing ensued. I saw the illusions of my life falling away and a wiser, higher voice rose within me and beckoned me to lead with my intuition, subtle sense awareness and clairsenses in my life and my work. There was no going back. The way forward compelled me to follow, and I slowly realized that this was a way of being that I had known my whole life, especially as a young child.  

For a period of time, I thought I would need to leave behind my professional world, one of aptitude and accomplishment, to follow this experiential way of working and living. The work made itself known as my inner world filled with an abundance of love and gratitude. As I connected with my own truth and  I found myself naturally evoking  the truth that lies within us all.  

One morning on a long walk in a deep snow, I heard the words drop in my ear, crystal clear, sharp and light. Common Awakening. I saw a vision of community gathering with an experience of their spiritual and mystical Fullness without bypassing difficult, unconscious debris and living fully embedded and connected in daily life. I knew, like the visit from the hawks, that what I was seeing was a call to step into the emergent energy of a new movement with a clear transmission, even as I had little idea of what it meant. From this starting place, we began Common Awakening.


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