TheĀ Common Awakening Blog

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April 9 -Celebrating Abundance šŸ£

Apr 02, 2023

Dear Common Awakening Community,

Today we mark the symbolic arrival of Spring's verdant abundance and the resurrection of new life and hope in our world. We hope the fertile earth is greening for you, your spirit is renewed by the freshness of Springtime breezes, and your soul is warmed by the seasonal glow of sacred community and connection. 

Today we offer to you 3 ways to recognize and value the Springtime abundance in your life. May these steps enliven you and evoke hope in your life and in our world.

With love,

Annie & Annmarie

3 Steps toward Abundance

  1. Accept What Is: Accepting what is in present your life is not acquiescence. Rather, when we accept our circumstances as they are, we make space for possibility to open. We no longer see ourselves as separate from our circumstances. Acceptance is abundance.
  2. Appreciate What Is: Name gratitude for your life experiences and circumstances, even the ones that may seem unwelcome. As we appreciate what life is brining to us, we shift our perspective to see the hidden gifts that may shine through. Appreciating is abundance.
  3. Allow What Is: Release resistance against how you perceive life needs to be to make space for new life to open. Letting go can feel like we are losing out and yet we are making room in our life for fresh energy to flow. Allowing is abundance.