The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

November 5 –Clear Limitations. Receive Clarity.

Nov 05, 2023

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

We are writing to you from our Mystical SPACES™️ Retreat in Faber, VA! We welcome you to join us this weekend as we use our SPACES™️ Clearing Process to get beyond perceived limitations and expand perceptual capacities to connect with the unseen realms for guidance and clarity.  

Here are a few simple steps that we are doing this weekend in the beauty of the Shenandoah mountains. We invite you to join us in your own backyard!

  1. Take a few deep breaths in and relax inward in your body while allowing your perception to expand beyond your body into the space around you. 
  2. Bring our community into your awareness, even though you might not know us personally. Simply say "yes" to connecting to Common Awakening. 
  3. Allow your eyes to soften and your gaze to unfix so that you are perceiving at the edges of your vision field. 
  4. Invite an object or an aspect of nature to meet you. You may be able to “see or you may have a sense of something unseen or felt, heard, or noticed through another sensory channel. 
  5. Gently ask, “What do you have for me to receive in this moment.” Allow whatever comes forward to meet you without any need to understand or interpret. Say “Yes” to continuing to pay attention and receive and connect throughout the day. 

You are part of our community, and we invite you to try this practice as a solid step toward clearing out limitations and receiving clarity from expanded perception. When we expand our perception, we change our perspective. 

With appreciation,

Annie & Annmarie