The Common Awakening Blog

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May 7- It's About Energy and Positioning

May 06, 2023

I’ve been in a bit of awe this week as I’ve reflected on our Spiritual Coaching Program. Our participants are experiencing dramatic shifts in their life that (if I’m honest) have exceeded my expectations. What’s so surprising is that they aren’t efforting their way toward change. The truth is that many of them have done years of self-insight work and are trained, competent practitioners and life-long soul explorers finding fresh movement in unexpected ways.

What exactly is happening?

I can articulate any number of reasons for the shifts (both those that are transcendent as well as those that are unwanted and uncomfortable), but I’ve sat and really listened to what is moving their process so directly and tangibly to experience these dramatic shifts where new energy is blossoming from the most ordinary places.

Well, it is about just that. Energy-where it is moving and where it is not. Positioning- where a person is located and where they are not located. Then, allowing a larger process to guide- following emergent energy and knowing what to do with it. 

The Spiritual States Model is all about finding balance in 4 states that then pops you into a place of true, authentic center (not just what we think our center is), and when we are there something radical shifts.

The challenge is that life teaches us to be somewhere other than center. Life circumstances pop us out of center. The day-to-day veils our eyes to this positioning which is so crucial for our true, soulful well-being.

This is where learning to follow the everyday signs and synchronicities is so important. These moments of in-breaking help us to wake up from our sleep and to do those two key things: Re-position where we are and follow the fresh Energy that is already moving using the 4 Spiritual States.

Try these tips and see what you notice in your life:

  1. Place a hand on your heart and invite each State—Opener, Activator, Stabilizer, and Infuser—to come into your awareness and allow any associations to what this might mean.

  2. Choose the one State that you feel least familiar with and change your position by bringing awareness upward for the Opener, forward for the Activator, downward for the Stabilizer, and backward for the Infuser. You can even reach a hand out into that position to help you.
  3. Notice how you shift: What do you feel? How do your thoughts shift? What do you experience in your perception?

Pay attention to what shows up and allow Energy and Position to guide you into accessing your 4 Spiritual States!

With love,
