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July 30 - Ebb and Flow Back to Center šŸŒŠ

Jul 30, 2023

The Ocean has its silent caves,

Deep, quiet, and alone;

Though there be fury on the waves,

Beneath them there is none.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, Voyager’s Companion


Dear Common Awakening Community,

The ocean draws us. There is something to the ebb and flow of the tide, the smell of the salty air, and the deep quiet that rests under the churning waves that evokes a power—one that points us beyond our ordinary reality into the vast space of openness and the deep.  Not only is there a draw that beckons us at the edge of sand and water, but also numerous emotional benefits that science now shows create increased calm and mental health benefits when we spend time near an ocean.  Research on the ocean increasing overall well-being

You can do an ocean practice whether you are near an actual ocean or not. You can use the power of any moving water to support you to come back to center wherever you are at. 

Here are a few options:

  •       Find a natural audio scape recording where you can listen to the crashing, rhythmic ocean waves or simply bring forward a memory of a time when you stood at the shore and then feel that movement within you. 
  •       You can use the breath as a guide to follow the inner wave-like sound of an intentional inhale and exhale riding the breath like a wave. 
  •       You can find running water in the landscape around you, either sitting by an actual ocean or following the sound of the water’s movement deepening into the moving sound.

Keep your practice simple and out of the mind allowing your experience to be your guide. 

  1. Place a hand on the Sacred Heart Center and sync with the rhythm of the ebb and flow.
  2. Place your other hand on the Sacred Wisdom Center and drop more deeply into the sound allowing the mind to quiet and your expanded 2nd sense perception to increase.
  3. Follow the movement for 2-5 minutes allowing your awareness to connect beyond your body into the surround around you.
  4. Release completely into the rhythm.
  5. Bring both hands over the heart and breathe the connection into the heart to support you to stay centered throughout your day.

Nature supports us to stay in center and to connect beyond our circumstances. Allow the power of the waves to support you today and remind you to return to your center and be with the larger movements that are moving us and our world.  Take 5 minutes today. What you do for yourself to come back into center makes a real difference in our world.

With love,
