TheĀ Common Awakening Blog

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September 25 -Curious about Living Liminally?

Sep 25, 2022

Hello from Ireland!

We landed yesterday and we’ve spent our first hours sinking into and remembering the liminal spaces in Donegal, Ireland. We headed out last night for an evening walk as we prepared for our upcoming retreat by experiencing the primaeval forest nooks, the power of the raging streams, the smell and feel of the boggy earth below our feet. We stopped for a long time at the edge of Lough Eske where a rainbow appeared in the sky just above us. What a delightful, and welcome sign! See our photo below!

 Here’s one practice you can use—we just did it last evening: Notice where you are drawn and follow your 2nd sense awarenessSoften your gaze and notice from the periphery of your visual field. Rub your hands together to activate your sense awareness and go out into nature and feel with your hands, not necessarily touching objects, but feeling the space in-between and the present aliveness. Allow the sensitivity of your hands to connect with a tree, flower, grass, air. Feel the space between your hand and what you are connecting to and receive. You are entering the spaces in-between, the interstitial spaces, the liminal.

Wondering if any of this liminality stuff actually happens for you? For some people, liminal living is just part of everyday life. For others of us (like us!), we have forgotten how to step into liminal space. When we got to Harvey's Point, we smiled to see that on their official map, they marked out where to find a fairy glen. It's just part of the everyday liminal life in Ireland. You can have this experience too. 

Our SPACES™ process teaches you just how to do this. You learn to live liminally by energetically clearing stuckness using your 2nd senses. You learn how to stay in a liminal state of Fullness, for good. The deadline for receiving the discount for registering for our SPACES™ training is just around the corner on October 1.

We will hold you in heart this week as we all join together in the liminal SPACES in-between.


Annie and Annmarie

P.S. Maybe your intuition comes and goes? We invite you to join our 2nd Sense Skills Seminar. This may be just what you need to take the next step to recognize and develop your expanded sense awareness and to learn some skills for using this gift every day.