The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

November 12 – Not sure what you are looking for? 🔍

Nov 12, 2023

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

Do you ever find yourself scrolling or googling for something and you aren’t clear exactly what you are looking for?

You start in one place and then quickly find yourself down a rabbit hole of videos or newsfeeds that end in a very different place than where you began. 

(By the way, that is called doomscrolling, in case you want to read more about it!)

Psycho-spiritual growth follows a very similar pattern… without the doom! When you are just starting out on a soul growth path, you may know you are longing for something but don’t know what. You know that you want something more inside of yourself, and it’s evocative of feeling homesick. 

What is really going on is that you are experiencing what is called a spiritual emergence. A spiritual emergence is when you reach a point in your life where you long for something more, and you can't put your finger down on what it is. You just know there is a hole inside of you, and nothing is working to fill that homesick, longing, yearning feeling.

What makes it a spiritual emergence (and not any other life transition) is that the longing doesn't change even if you change your life circumstances (like jobs, relationships, housing). 

Here's why you may be feeling this way right now. 

  • You are at a crossroads in your life, and you are looking for a solution that is spiritual.
  • You get to a point in your life where you want to do something different, and you don't know how.
  • You know there is a different source inside of you (not our ego-chitter-chatter voice) that you are ready to follow.
  • You are at a point in life where you are ready to let go, and life is pushing you to make a big change.

In order to respond to your spiritual emergence, you need a process to follow that clears out the ego voice and lands you in your soul, which is what you are longing for! This is what we do at Common Awakening, and our participants say, “it’s the missing puzzle piece.” Take the first step with us this Sunday evening (tonight!) and join us for our SPACES Seminar. We’ll teach you a simple process to clarify your search, clear out ego chatter, and discover your soulful state. 

Join us!

