The Common Awakening Blog

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October 15 - The Power of the SPACES™ Model ✨

Oct 15, 2023

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

Just the other day I felt stuck—I mean really stuck—nowhere to turn, no doorway out, face up against a wall, stuck. I was uncomfortable! 

I found myself grasping for some psychological handle holds, some tools to get me out of the ruminations of my mind— trying to spin and figure out—as I twisted and turned. I knew I could use regulation through breathing and mindfulness methods. I recognized I could look at my dreams and watch for signs and messages, but that takes time. Then, I stopped and decided to use the SPACES™ Change Process.  

I know! It wasn’t the first thing I turned to, I have to admit. 

Well, it took about a 24-hour period and I did some tossing and turning, but I followed the model and let the process guide me as I did 2 main things.  

First, I relaxed into a different position, which placed me in a different way in relation to my stuck situation. You can describe it as quieting the Default Mode Network (read more) or just call it release. The outcome was that my position shifted. I began to feel some ease and openness and this provided some space.  

Second, I listened from an expanded awareness into the stuckness (and, I’ll be honest that I wanted to jump out of it at times). I allowed the both/and of my positioning to hold two paradoxical pieces at once. I stayed and I didn’t move.  

Then, I watched and waited, staying engaged with what was moving as SPACES™ describes. Why? The SPACES™ process follows a natural rhythm of energy that is ready to move us when we use positioning to change perspective.  

Then, almost all at once (about 23 hours in), the puzzle started to collect and the pieces naturally (without my conscious awareness or my volition) began to form a new picture. At first, I wasn’t excited about what I saw, but I stayed present and I watched the picture form. Then, something clicked  

I began to see the pathway forward. The doorway opened before my face—my pressed up against the wall no way out position—and something began to move. I was in the movement that was moving me. Options started showing up. Potentials emerged. The pressure released and I relaxed into a new inner placement.  

This is the power of the SPACES™ model. I know, I just lived it.  

When we learn to follow natural energy movements that are moving in our life, we meet life from a different position, and that changes our perspective. When our position and our perspective shift, our life follows and we experience real-life change. We shift into the awaiting energy that will guide us forward on our journey. 

Have you learned the SPACES™ Change Process yet?  

With love, 


P.S. I hope you will consider joining us for our upcoming live SPACES™ seminar where Annie and I will share more about the research behind the process and then use our mini-course to start practicing this process in your life. It really works! I know….