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February 19- The 'One' Thing to Improve Relationships

Feb 19, 2023

What if you knew the one thing—the one thing that could help you make the right decision, the one thing that would unlock your next steps, or the one thing to improve a relationship? Could there really be “one thing” that could help that much? 

For many years I worked directly with couple relationships. As a professor/trainer/supervisor in a couples therapy modality and as a psychotherapist I knew a lot about what went wrong in relationships and I had some powerful ways to help people shift out of intractable stuckness.  

Here’s the thing: I noticed something unexpected when I was trained in energy work. There were active energy dynamics below the surface that could be tracked and used in some surprising ways. For one thing, energy had an immediacy that language simply does not (actually talking about can get us more stuck). Moreover, where someone was positioned—their placement in their energy field—made a big difference for what moved and what stayed stuck in their life and in their relationships.  

Hmmm…I was interested. I began working directly with energy and as people shifted their positioning, their life changed. They accessed a wiser place within and the on-the-ground outcome was that their relationships naturally shifted as a result of their new positioning. Now that’s powerful. 

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this at Common Awakening and our Spiritual States Map offers a powerful tool that can make an immediate impact on your day-to-day life. Our model is spiritual and points to the wiser, awakening part of you, but it also has some very applicable, down-to-earth uses. For example, when you learn to balance out excess energy and invite in spiritual energy that you might avoid, patterns start to shift. You change your position—literally, like take a new stance—and fresh energy begins to move. The benefit is that you spiritually move further into what you really are and this new positioning naturally rights what feels ‘wrong’ in the outer world. It doesn’t always mean we get what we think we want. Rather, we course correct and clean our inner house allowing fresh winds to blow, even in our relationships. 

Are you curious enough to try a new position this week? 

See the Tip Sheet on The One Thing for Improving Your Relationships and try ‘one thing’. See how our Spiritual States Model can help you make one change in your life and relationships this week!