The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

April 16th - A Spiritual Angle on AI 💡

Apr 16, 2023


With the rise of AI is anxiety about how artificial intelligence may eclipse human consciousness. Many consciousness experts note that AI combined with “deepfake” technologies have already created a world in which we cannot tell what is real.


Spiritual intelligence gives us the consciousness we need to navigate these new horizons. Monks who meditate have been proven to have greater intuitive accuracy in accessing extrasensory perceptions of information that exist beyond what they could know. Regular spiritual practice in a supportive community enhances their intuitive perception of time, space, and information.


Spiritual intelligence is a human consciousness that does not oppose AI and gives us an accurate pulse on reality. When we enter an awakened state, we access an eternity from which we emerged, a reality that is not artificial, and a world that is interconnected, whole, and wise. Our spiritual intelligence gives us what we need to ascertain a world of unending information.


We invite you to join us for our Living Guidance Gathering to connect with your own spiritual intelligence. We’ll use our Spiritual States Map to give you a step-by-step method to access spiritual information through 4 spiritual states. We’ll give you ideas about what intelligent information may come through so you know what to look for! Plus, the space we hold in these calls is liminal and magical, and it activates your extrasensory perception so you get the guidance you need for the day-to-day.


Spiritual intelligence is everywhere. You are the key to unlocking the living guidance, spiritual intelligence, and wise messages that are waiting for you.


With love,



P.S. You may wonder why using our Spiritual States Map is beneficial for receiving guidance. You have one or two states that are most comfortable and familiar for you. The other states are less familiar to you, and so they are the fresh information stream to receive new guidance. These unknown, unconscious states are the place where what you most want and need is located.


P.S.S. This event is by donation! Come for free, pay $1 or $100. All proceeds go toward our scholarship fund. We encourage you to join live as the live energy will give you the clarity, intensity and unity you seek. If you can’t make it, make sure you register so we can send you the recording!