The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

April 2- Spiritual Messages 🕊

Apr 02, 2023

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

One of the most powerful spiritual messages that I’ve ever received came many, many years ago—long before I began doing this work. I was in my late teens at the funeral of my adopted Father. I was standing at his casket looking at the stained glass in the church. I heard (or knew in some deep place within me), “There is more to this life. Go find it.” If you would have asked me, I would have said the message was audible and distinctive enough that it set me on a path of broad exploration. 

I had a powerful conversion experience not many years later where I began consistently hearing from God (or Jesus more specifically), but I didn’t quite know what to do with these messages except to become a bit too rigid and demanding of myself and others. Well, after training as a psychotherapist and walking with people in deep suffering and pain, I learned that the world is much less black and white or clear cut and I slowly began to learn to inhabit the grey–a gift that allowed me to open into the mystical messages that are now part of my life landscape. 

Our Spiritual States Map offers the guidance that I sought so many years ago to find my primary doorway to walk through to allow these messages to speak within and through me. If I only would have had a tool like this to help me understand that my Primary Awakening State is an Activator and help to learn to use the characteristic sparks and forward movement as navigation in my life. That message all of those years ago was one of those sparks that opened my life path.  

⭐️ Do you have any of those early spiritual messages that were delivered to you, but you didn’t know how to listen to or understand their communication? 

⭐️ Can you look at the map above and guess what your Primary Doorway (your Primary Awakening State ) is? Any communication that has come through that doorway trying to get your attention? 

⭐️    If you have a go-to position in your life that would support you to hear spiritual messages would you be interested in learning about it? 

There are spiritual messages all around us. Are you ready to find your place on the Spiritual State Map and receive the guidance that awaits you?

Be open. Be Curious.

With love,
