TheĀ Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections thatĀ inspire and guideĀ youĀ in how to live the real-life mystical path.

February 26 -Making Sense of Spiritual Signs

Feb 26, 2023

Just this week, we heard from many of you:

  • I had a series of vivid dreams three nights in a row, and each of them had the same face appear. The next day I was at the bank and the teller's face was the exact face!
  • I was out walking and saw a fawn by the edge of the path. I paused, and it felt like it was speaking to me. I got home and opened my mail. A friend sent me a card with a fawn on the front of it.
  • I was washing dishes and in a place of flow. A friend's name popped in my awareness.  A few minutes later, my phone rang. It was her!
  • Every time I look at the clock, it says the same time. 4:44. Early in the morning I woke up. Again, it was 4:44am!

These are not coincidences. They are spiritual signs.

Our minds discount spiritual signs. Science tells us a different story. We are part of an interconnected shared mind, like a widespread network that is constantly pinging with information. When these spiritual signs appear over and over again, it can be because we have thinned our mental filter of what is expected and we welcome a new perspective that is alive with the unpredictable and extraordinary.

We cultivate a shared mind and spiritual field at Common Awakening. We don’t always have good words to describe what happens when you step into this space with us. We have been growing a spiritual community for years. Time and time again, we know that when you join us, you step into an alive holding space that quiets the mind, opens the heart, and accelerates your experience of spiritual signs, direct guidance, and everyday serendipities.

The purpose of spiritual signs is to jolt us out of our sleepy spiritual ways and invite us to pay attention with freshness. Like a push notification from the shared mind, these signs prompt us to come and see, look anew, find another way, and explore again what is calling to us.

This week take another look. What signs are calling to you?



P.S. Not sure how to recognize a spiritual sign? If you do receive one, are you confused about what to do with it? This week’s video reflection will support you in seeing, hearing, knowing, and sensing what is already communicating to you and making sense of its meaning. Take 5 minutes to engage in this audio spiritual exercise to reset your spiritual senses and receive the signs that are messaging you.