TheĀ Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections thatĀ inspire and guideĀ youĀ in how to live the real-life mystical path.

October 30 -The Seal of the Heart

Oct 30, 2022

Dear Common Awakening Friends,


Ancient religious lore tells a tale of Solomon wearing a signet emblemed ring, which held the power of his wisdom. Like any good myth, the ring's power grew over time, including bestowing Solomon with the gifts of commanding the supernatural and the ability to speak with animals. It became an emblem, a symbol, and a seal that carried the power of its metaphor. Solomon’s seal became a crucial signal for great wisdom and unique gifting in religious history. Throughout history, seals have served as signs of authorizing, securing, and marking, creating connection through the power of a symbol.


Solomon’s Song invites us to “set me as a seal upon the heart,” an invitation to understand the magnitude of the heart as our symbol, the great seal that holds wisdom. We know that our heart’s electromagnetic field is more significant than our mind, and when we set a seal, or an authorization, on our heart, we invite the bigness of our heart to be our most important source of wisdom.


Pause for a moment and consider the implications of authorizing, securing, and marking our hearts to lead us. It’s a radical reorientation from the mind as being the source of wisdom to the heart.


This week we complete our 3-session series on focusing on the heart. We began with entering the cave of the heart. We focused last week on the beat of the heart. This week we focus on the seal of the heart.


This week I invite you to engage with the guided meditation and enter with an openness to reorient your primary locus of wisdom from the head to the heart. We do not leave the mind behind. Relocating our point of authorization, though, is as powerful as Solomon’s garnet ring. We place our symbol of security in life from where we live.


When we place our seal upon our hearts, we mark where we are wise, in our heart's true home. Not as a place to come and go; it’s our place to seal, stay, and secure.


With love,




P.S. Thank you to all who shared their reflections over the past few weeks. They warmed my heart, and I want to share their heart-felt wisdom with you! Below is a word cloud of all the submissions that were shared. Consider sitting with a few words or phrases that capture your own heart. Let them be an emblem, a seal, on your own heart!


P.S.S. Tonight is our free All Saints’ Day Sacred Circle. Consider joining us to connect with the surrounding souls that are supporting you. Bring a candle and a significant symbol that connects you with your loved ones, both seen and unseen. Our 30-minute guided process will include singing bowls, music, imagery, and silence.