The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

August 28th -Changing the Density of Our World

Aug 28, 2022

Dear Common Awakening Friends,


At Common Awakening we say that State Change is the Solution meaning that our perspective shifts when we move into a Power State of Fullness and this changes how we feel, what we see, and how we influence the world.


You’ve likely read research on gratitude and how simple acts of being grateful each day can change your perspective from negative and down to feeling joy and grateful Your situation hasn’t changed. Your state has changed.


We are in dismantling times in our world and in order to thrive we need to Find and Live from a State of Fullness. There is no other way. It does not mean that we bypass pain or sink into stuckness. Rather, we meet the world from Fullness and this creates transformation. It is only from our state of Fullness that our perspective will shift. It is only from within Fullness that how we feel will shift. It is only from within Fullness that we can see clearly. And, we need to use our 2nd Senses to consistently access the space of Fullness and help us to stay there.


Well, I had my own experience of this over the past week. I was feeling the density in the world and had some personal associations rise that evoked a pattern I call “thinking about.” Without even noticing it I was “thinking about” the past and “thinking about” implications for the future and I ended up feeling a sense of stuckness and density.  I actually felt trapped with nowhere to go.


I was awoken in the middle of the night (as sometimes happens) and I felt directly guided to access Fullness in a slightly different way. I was led to go within my body and connect cell by cell to the light. It was necessarily a light I could see, but a brightness I could feel growing within me. I was so “within” the emerging experience that I couldn’t have “thought about” even if I wanted to. The process carried me for quite a while and by the end I felt transported. Learn more about a State of Fullness and why it works here! I could feel the larger space—my state of Fullness—holding me. What I had been “thinking about” had shifted. My body felt lighter. My mind was clearer. My sense of knowing was illumined. I literally and tangibly felt different. Wow!


This is exactly what sustaining a State of Fullness is all about. It is why Fullness is the solution. We, you, are being called during these times in our world to come back to your state of Fullness and to stay there no matter the circumstances. You are being called to say yes to your larger purpose for being here at this time and to clear the resistance that gets in your way. With the tools for knowing how to access Fullness and a process to follow that uses your 2nd sense capacities, you have everything you need to be ok even when the world is not ok. 


When we shift our state, we shift our life. We shift the world. 

Notice your state this week!



