The Common Awakening Blog

Read and watch Annmarie and Annie's weekly reflections that inspire and guide you in how to live the real-life mystical path.

January 14 - Journey into the Energy That is All Around You 💫

Jan 14, 2024

Dear Common Awakening Community, 

Years ago when traveling with a shaman in Peru, I learned about Ceque lines (like ley lines) that emerge from the Qorikancha in the center of Cusco (see more about ceque lines). It was explained to me that they were energetic grid-like patterns that emanated out to the surrounding areas from this energy center. The priests who were trained energy workers would use these ceque lines to communicate and heal using energy from a distance. 

As I listened to Valerie Luna Serrelsco-founder and Director of the Wild Church Network and Spiritual Director (Hagia Sophia)talk about some of her extraordinary perceptual capacities that showed up during the program, I couldn’t help but be reminded of this teaching and I felt a ‘wow’ within me. 

In this episode, you’ll hear Valerie talk about these energies and how she sees them now. Valerie shares her surprise at witnessing the grid, spider-like matrix that she now perceives and works with, and how this has led her to healing in some unexpected ways. 

You’ll join Valerie on this journey in this episode and you’ll hear more about how the Spiritual State Map has helped her to grow and anchor in this new capacity in some profound ways. Have you ever wondered if you might be able to perceive more than your eyes see, know more than your mind knows, and open up into something more? This episode will give you a dash of inspiration to start opening up to the more that awaits you!

With love,


P.S. There is nothing like joining with a community to get ongoing support to accelerate your growth and help you to stay on track. That’s one of the things we heard over and over in the Coaching program this past year. The community created the container for sustained learning and growth. We hold an intentional space on your behalf and this is part of the magic of the program. Not only is it the weekly dripped content that keeps your juices flowing, but it is also the alive, vibrational container that keeps the learning alive. Book a Discovery Call today and let's talk more about whether the program can be the container that supports you in the coming year!  (Book a Discovery Call).