TheĀ Common Awakening Blog

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October 9th -The World Looks Different through Your 2nd Senses

Oct 09, 2022

Dear Common Awakening Friends,


I am delighted to share with you this week some visual images from our retreat in Ireland that capture the essence of liminality in a deeply evocative way. Chris Hoover Seidel of Soulence created this wonderful video montage that poignantly captures the spirit of the liminal landscapes we entered. Believe it or not, I found myself swept into the imagery, not from the memory of our actual experience, but through the living visuals of the landscape I was watching. I was transported through Chris’s eye into something alive that enlivened me.  


Isn’t that what it is all about? Allowing what meets us and greets us to infuse the ordinary with an alive breath that opens up space in a new way—opens us up in a new way. Our 2nd senses give us a capacity that is extra-ordinary if we take the time to notice and develop them—they serve as a passageway into the ‘more’ that I am looking for to bring to life what feels flat and open the dense places in my life and in the world around me—to help me step into something just beyond my 5 senses to perceive the “all that is” in a full-bodied way.


Did you know that your 2nd senses could do that for you— change how you perceive the world around you and make the world come to life? What’s so amazing is that our 2nd senses connect us more deeply with the fabric of life that swims, and flies, and moves, and slithers, and buzzes around us all the time.  We become part of the orchestra that plays the harmonics of energy, of electromagnetic fields, sounds, textures, tastes, knowing and expressing.


I’ll keep it short this week and simply invite you to watch these evocative images or to choose your own living landscape to step out into and to open all of your senses, especially your 2nd senses, and fully allow. Let life flow through you whether in words penned on paper that move through rather than are thought about, or maybe to feel a song rise within you and actually come forth. Maybe you will walk to the tune of the earth or breathe in the visual imagery in your surroundings in a new way. 


Our hope is to host more in-person retreats in 2023 to allow us to gather together to feel these living rhythms living us. We want to hear from you about where do you want to go with Common Awakening in 2023? Until then, feel the aliveness right where you are at and open just a bit more to the mystery awaiting you— right here, right now.


With love,



P.S. Want to learn more about what all of this 2nd sense talk is about? Well, you have your chance tonight. It’s not too late to join our 2nd Sense Skills Seminar at 7pm EST. We will take 90 minutes to walk you through how to start using your 2nd senses today to open up your expanded perceptual landscape to experience the more that is waiting for you. No experience necessary and no special skills needed! Join live or watch later.


P.S.S. And, SPACES™ does start this Thursday in case you’ve considered it and haven’t yet taken the step to register. SPACES™ is the pre-requisite for our new Spiritual Coaching program that launches in February 2023. You’ll want to join this round of SPACES™ Join SPACES™ if you want to put your 2nd senses into practice and learn an energetic clearing process that will help you stay in Fullness, for good!